Ailsa Roberts "Equine Muscle Release Therapy" Practitioner

Healing Horses Gently with Bowen Therapy. Equine Muscle Release Therapy™ is the only accredited Bowen therapy for Horses with the BTAA world wide.

The Equine Muscle Release Therapy™ technique works to free energy blockages and imbalances in the body. The technique involves the use of gentle, non invasive soft tissue manipulation that stimulates the energy flows throughout the body. EMRT™ address the genetic coding and instinct of the horse promoting realignment, balance and healing in the horse.
An EMRT™ session follows a sequence of rolling moves at key points of the horses body. These moves work directly over the connective tissue (Fascia) with is found throughout the body. Fascia should be moist and elastic to allow free movement of muscles, joints and fluid in the body. Any injury or stress can cause Fascia to harden, adversely affecting the way the horses body operates.

EMRT™ is holistic in its nature and working over the Central Nervous System brings the whole body back into a natural state of balance and alignment.

EMRT™ does not use any physical force or musculoskeletal manipulation

What sort of Problems can EMRT™ help with?
Note: EMRT™ does not replace veterinary service.

Acid build up in the soft tissue - This can be seen Horses that have hard tight muscles, take along time to warm up when in work and can be nervy.
Fluid balance around the muscles.
Releasing muscle spasms
Skeletal realignment through muscle release and balancing (for example roach backed horses or acute kissing spine cases)
Uneven muscle development and or muscle atrophy (wastage)
High Low Syndrome, Club / Upright hoof Development
Strained muscles, tendons and ligaments
Unexplained lameness, unevenness
Bridle lameness and acceptance of the bit
Jaw alignment and head set
Sinus problems
Obstructions of the airways
Malnourished horses
Growth and development in young horses
Assist in Founder rehabilitation cases
Current research on EMRT™ work on Head shakers has produced some positive results!
Mental and emotional problems - irritable, nervous, withdrawn behaviour.
Hoof growth, wound healing
Improves coat condition and general roundness of horse
Lateral bending and flexion
Striding through correctly from behind, Extensions of the foreleg, shoulder and hindquarter mobility
Uneven tracking
Misalignment of Genitalia in colts, stallions & geldings
Poor vulva conformation in broodmares
Birthing trauma in mares and foals
Pain relief
Tying up, Arthritis
Colic (in conjunction with Veterinary treatment)
Girth proud
Cold backed
Weak abdominal muscles
Head shy
Early stages of Club foot
Resistances such as rearing and bucking

Having a Treatment performed on your horse

Its important that you have a safe area for the horse to be treated - possibly where he can still see his friends but not be distracted or threaten by them. As the treatment will relax your horse he may feel very vulnerable - so its important he feels safe. Make sure the area your horse is to be treated in, is cleared of anything that may flap or move and frighten him.

As a handler it is extremely important not to pat or touch the horse whilst in treatment. Patting, or rubbing / stroking can distract the horse and reduce the effect of the EMRT™ treatment.

As horses are grazing animals having a biscuit of hay to munch on during the treatment is a perfect way to encourage them to relax and take in the EMRT™. It is also handy to have water available as the treatment will encourage him to drink!

During the treatment the horse will be given wait times - around 2 minutes each - where they are left alone to process what is happening to the body. A safe yard that the handler and practitioner can step out of in this time is ideal. But if you do not have a yard the practitioner can advise on how hold the horse whilst they leave his personal energy space.

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